Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Exercise on page 233-235 - Chapter 13

  1. A is the better choice. The first line is the same as B. A sounds better because the second line flows better than B's second line. A has the same amount of syllables in line one and two, while B has many more syllables in line 2.
  2. B is the better choice. The first line is the same as A. "Harsh" and "crabbled" in line two sound like unlikable ideas and are what "fools suppose" so they should sound that way. "As is Appollo's" flows swiftly, the opposite of fools ideas.
  3. B is the better choice. "out-cast" leads in nicely to "crows croak" with the hard "c" sound. "Crows croak" carries into "hoarsely" with the "o" sound. "Across the whiteness" repeats the "s" sound.
  4. B is the better choice. "Low" leads into "voice" with the "o" and ends the line with "gold." "Voice," "bells," and "singing" all have the "s" sound. "Twilight," "silent," and "water" all have the hard "t" sound that is like the bell swinging back and forth.
  5. B is the better choice. "Myriads of rivulets" is a set of words that flow nicely. "Moan" and "immemorial" have a humming "m" sound that is calming which leads into the third line words "murmuring" and "innumerable."
  6. A is the better choice. A has a more discordant sound to it like the words describe. "St," "sh," and "z" are harsher sounds in the second line. Almost hissing the end of "sharps."
  7. B is the better choice. The list in B is related through harsh sounds that repeat. They are then described as "hard words," which they are by the sounds they make. "Bullets" rhymes with "gullets."
  8. A is the better choice. "Hands," "sisters," "incessantly," and "softly" are all words that share the "s" sound. This repetition ties in with the idea of "wash again, and ever again," a repetitive cycle. "Soiled" and "world" both end with the same sound.
  9. B is the better choice. The syllable count is the same for every line. "Lowing," "wind," and "slowly" all share a long "w" sound that slows down the line. "Plowman homeward plods" is also a slow line that emphasizes how the day is coming to a slow close due to the repeated "p" and then "weary way" is another instance of repeating "w."
  10. B is the better choice. "Gilded wings" repeats the "i" sound. "Stinks and stings" emphasizes the harshness of the bug by repeating the harsh "st" sound.

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